
Doctors and Nurses For Health

About Me

Doctors and Nurses For Health

Hi, my name is Richard. This is my blog which is designed to help others to understand how doctors and nurses can help them maintain and improve their health. I feel that this blog is important because too many people do not visit the doctor when they should. I used to be one of those people until last year. For many weeks, I had been feeling very unwell. Eventually, my wife insisted I visit my GP. My GP was a big help, he sent me for test and they found I had prostate cancer. I had further treatment and the nurses were great. I am now fully recovered.


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3 Compelling Reasons to See an Audiologist

Just because you do not have hearing issues today does not mean that you will be okay tomorrow. Unfortunately, most people take their hearing for granted as long as they have not noticed any glaring changes. However, health issues are tricky, and you can lose your ability to hear if you do not see an audiologist soon in certain circumstances. Sadly, many people don't know when to seek an audiologist's services. This article highlights compelling reasons for booking an appointment with an audiologist.

Excess Earwax

Most people believe that an audiologist's work solely revolves around the administration of hearing tests. However, audiologists also examine the ears for signs of hearing problems, such as excess earwax. Earwax is essential for preventing dust, microorganisms, and foreign bodies from getting into the ears. However, when there is a buildup of earwax, you can suffer ear loss and sometimes pain. Some of the common causes of the condition include misuse of ear swabs and prolonged usage of earphones. Nonetheless, some people produce excess earwax naturally. Therefore, rather than remove excess earwax yourself and risk damaging your hearing, it is safer to see an audiologist. They will remove just the right amount of earwax to improve hearing and leave the right amount for protection purposes.  

Ringing Sensation

Tinnitus is a condition where you hear ringing, clicking or buzzing sounds inside your ears in the absence of external noise. Statistics show that 1 in 3 Australians experience tinnitus at some point in their life. While some people learn to live with it, others find it very distressing and cannot lead normal lives. In some cases, the illness causes anxiety. Most importantly, you must see an audiologist immediately if you start experiencing the symptoms. It could be a sign of impending hearing loss or other conditions such as sinus pressure, head trauma, or high blood pressure.

Unexplained Loss of Balance

The ears play an integral role in maintaining body balance. Therefore, when you begin experiencing dizzy spells, lightheadedness, or a floating sensation regularly, it could be a sign that you have an inner ear infection. In such cases, you need to see an audiologist immediately or risk falling or causing an accident while driving. The professional is best placed to diagnose and treat ear issues that lead to loss of balance, which guarantees your safety.

Reach out to an audiologist to learn more about these or other hearing concerns.